Working Safely
In light of the extended impact of Coronavirus, our priority continues to be the well-being of our customers, employees and the local community. As a team, we are committed to ensuring that all current brickwork projects are completed on time, keeping homes protected and dry, whilst working in the safest possible manner for everyone involved. We take health and safety seriously and are following all guidance given by the government and health organisations at this time, implementing processes and procedures to minimise the risks for everyone.
Our team are strictly adhering to social distancing guidelines, alongside contractors site operating procedures at all times, working in isolation with no direct contact with others or our customers, where at all possible. Employees are striving to travel independently to and from each work site, and all equipment, high contact surfaces and tools are being sanitised regularly to prevent the spread. We are working to the highest standards of hygiene and have rearranged work schedules accordingly to allow our team members to sanitise regularly and effectively between sites, using their own personal wash facilities.
Tom and the team here at TM Pointing will continue to do the best we can in challenging circumstances, whilst providing as much support as possible to our customers from afar. We will get through this pandemic by working together, and as a business we will adapt the way we work, striving to deliver the level of service you have come to expect from us. Rest assured, your safety and that of our team is of the highest importance at all times. Be responsible, stay safe and continue to be kind.